Sunday, November 20, 2011

It happened

This girl has had some big stuff going on lately... like grown-up stuff, real grown-up stuff. I have probably told you all this already, but I quit my job at the bakery. That's right, I quit my one true love. I know it might sound silly to some, but I loved everything about that job. What could be better than making sugar filled delights and then selling them to people who need some pep in their step? The owner (my boss) also became my best friend/aunt which made it real sad to leave. I cried and still do. They say all things happen for a reason, and I think there's a reason I worked there for so long. On the bright side though, now that I am not popping cookies right and left at work, maybe my risk for type 2 diabetes will go down. Really though, it was getting to be a problem.

The new job is with a Non-profit company called Centro Hispano. I will be guiding teens through a health promotion program to teach them how to lead healthier, and better lives. I am looking forward to it, and mostly am looking forward to using that degree.

Now on to more important matters. I'm finally turning semi-domestic. The past few years I have seen all my friends get into cooking, sewing, crafting, pintrest etc. I never realized my lack of interest in these areas until I was at my sisters house last year. She invited me to a craft night with some of our friends. While they were caught up in the 'crafting' I snuck up stairs to take a nap. She quickly came in, turned on the light and said " I knew you would do this". It was then I realized that I was the odd one out.

In the past month though ( on my own free will ), I have : spray painted furniture, decorated my room, COOKED TWICE, and picked out a few crafts to do. Weird I know, but it just happened. The point of this is, I want to be  re-invited into your crafting circles. I'm into it now, into grown up things.

I actually don't have pintrest..... one step at a time.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I got Nostalgic

I think I get more and more emotional every day, and recently find myself getting over involved in others emotions and crying for them. This happened the other day at work when a family stopped in to buy some cookies before dropping their daughter off at BYU for her first year. As soon as I found out it was her first year of college, I looked up and instantly had to fight back tears...... what?!? I felt so awkward that I made up some excuse to go away for a little while then came back. I talked to her some more, wished her luck and then later that night sat and wondered why in the world I got so emotional for someone I don't even know.

I figured it out, I got so emotional because that girl has no idea what lies ahead of her. She has no idea how much fun she is going to have, she doesn't know just how AMAZING the people she will meet are, she doesn't know how the path she thinks she is going to take will change at least 3 times, she doesn't know her own potential , she doesn't know how hard it will be, she doesn't know how much she is about to learn about herself, she doesn't know how the friends she will meet in the next week will probably be with her for the next 4 years and be lifetime friends. I got so emotional because that girl has no idea how she doesn't need to be afraid at all, but rather just prepared for an unpredictable adventure.

I know I just got way deep about a story involving selling cookies to a teenager, but it made me think about how there really is no need to fear what comes next. I think this is something that we must remember at every age of life, not just in the 20's where it seems like you are slammed with life altering decisions everyday. The girl in the cookie store made me remember just how worried I was about going to college and remember how worried I am now about trying to be a g&%#$ u* (grown up, it's a bad word in my book). Worry is no good, no good at all. I recently read a quote by Elder Holland that said "the commandment we all break the most is that of be of good cheer". Worrying is not in the 'cheer' category. If we all remember the times we worried the most, we will remember that even though that time may have sucked, or not turned out like we wanted it was exactly what we needed. There is no need to fear, just go on and be excited about having no idea what lies ahead. Life would be no fun if we knew exactly how it was going to be anyways.

Friday, July 8, 2011

24 !

  I did it, I turned 24 ! I have to say it was one of the best birthdays I have had in a long time! The day started with my dad, mom, and I going to breakfast! My dad and I have the same birthday, so we always do something together every birthday morning. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, I came home from work to find my roomates and friends waiting at my house in their pajamas.... They were waiting in their pajamas because for the longest time I have wanted to go to a hick town and eat at a 'hick' like diner in my pajamas. The girls made my dream come true! We all piled in the car and drove to Brigham City where we dined on fine things such as fries and fried chicken at a hick drive in. I couldn't have been happier. We listened to flash back songs from high school  by classic artists such as Ace of Base, Samantha Mumba, and Backstreet Boys. We even prank called. My 24th year didn't start off in a mature manner, but I guess it is good to be young at heart... right?

The fam then got together for Sunday dinner to celebrate the June birthdays. They made my other dream came true, and all agreed to playing the Michael Jackson Experience dance game on the Wii. If you haven't played it, come over. Everyone likes that game. Thank you everyone for making the day so great. I realized on that day once again how I am beyond blessed with amazing friends and family!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I. Am. Graduating.

Confession. I am awake right now (1:30 in the morning) listening to the Vitamin C graduation song, feeling unexpectedly really sad about graduating tomorrow. The past two years I have been working towards a Masters in Public Health, and tomorrow I get it! The day has finally come, and I don't know  if I want it to now! I have absolutely loved the past two years. Really.
My former teacher from UVU, Mary, asked me a couple months ago to come visit her class and share why I decided to go on to grad school. As I started preparing what I was going to share, I found myself wondering just why DID I sign up for two more years of stress and debt. Now that I am done I know exactly why I chose to go, and why I would choose to do it again.
1. Well, obvious reasons such as being surrounded by professors and students who are so So SO bright and being able to learn from their experience and learning of the endless opportunities public health has to offer
2. Not so obvious....
   - Food. Free food is everywhere at school. I could find a pizza party at least once a week.
   - Introduced to new Youtube favorites. Stressful times = procrastination= watch Youtube. I discovered   the Beyonce Clown Mask video, and the worlds largest zit video. Classics.
  - Humility. I had one of my most embarassing moments when in a cancer epidemiology class, I said " what are the recovery rates for women suffering from prostate cancer?" I left the whole class speechless. For a good two minutes.
  - More Humility.... In realizing that when the teacher offered candy to students who answered questions, I  was 99 times more likely to participate. I am ashamed that food is my motivating force.
 - Money. Through participating in health research studies (such as cold sore studies, vein flow studies, back pain studies) you get paid! A lot!
3. Friends. Can I just say that I had the best classmates ever? They read this blog, usually as a source of procrastination from studying, so hopefully they are still reading this part. I become insta friends with three girls on day one of class. They are probably the reason why I cry when I listen to Vitamin C, and the cheesy lines start about how Vitamin C is sad to leave her friends. I feel ya Vitamin C. I really do.

On a more serious note, I really am grateful for the opportunity to keep going to school. Education is a gift, one of the best gifts.

Oh, and I bet you are all wondering what I am going to do now. That's a good question I wish I had the answer to but I can tell you what I want to do in the public health world! I want to create health programs for the community that will improve exercise and nutrition. Next dream job for the moment is joining the public health political effort to fight childhood obesity.

I will be sure to let you know if I land one of these anytime soon.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Strange Stress

Humans are just plain strange sometimes, but especially when they are stressed. What goes on inside the body that makes us have such strange reactions to stress? I would love to know this right now. I am trying to wrap up my FINAL MONTH of school right now, and am experiencing some mega stress. I never can tell I'm stressed till my body starts telling me. It tells me through sleepless nights, excessive beautiful red dots on my face (I seriously look like a 'connect the dots' board game), and a new found ability to cry over anything. I don't know what's going on. I cried when my 3 year old niece called to tell me she wanted a cup cake, and when a really nice customer left after we only talked for 5 minutes.Do any of you cry more when stressed? I hope so.

Aside from all that, I decided I love Finals week. I love seeing everyone stressed out of their minds. I love seeing the way people procrastinate studying. All of sudden everyone HAS to deep clean their whole house, color coordinate their closet, alphabetize their itunes, reminisce 90's music videos on Youtube, or blog. I also love how the library increases in 'funness' by like 60% cause everyone is there trying to redeem themselves from slacking all semester. And I am procrastinating by enrolling in a cake decorating class rather than studying. I thought it would help me deal with stress, as implied by this homegirl.....

BUT...This is my last time taking Finals. Assuming I pass of course. I decided I'm going to embrace the zit face, sleepless nights, and tears and just have fun. I am actually looking forward to it. I have no clue how I will get it all done..... but you know..... Whatev.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Dr. Phil... or should I say Dr. Philcella

Marcella (Philcella) is my older sister by 2 years. I  have looked up to her for as long as I can remember, and when I was younger I would do anything she told me to do. For example, when we were in middle school Marcella wanted to put highlights in her hair using Sun In spray. She was worried it would look bad, so she decided to test it out on me first. She fooled me into thinking it would look good, and I ended up with orange streaks/chunks in my hair. I looked like a tiger, and needless to say she kept her hair brown. I did anything she told me to do. Since then, I have developed a mind of my own and do not get deceived by her nearly as often. I now get deceived by her kids who have picked up on her ways.

As we have gotten older she no longer tells me what to do, and I am constantly asking her what I should do. I am the dramatic one who blows life out of proportion and makes a big deal about everything. She is the calm, steady one who knows how to handle life. I talk to Philcella on the phone every day, and am so grateful for the advice she gives. I often wish she would blow things out of proportion and be dramatic with me over a big bag of oreos, but she never does. She always just tells me exactly what I need to hear, and reminds me of what's important.

Today Philcella reminded me of something I think we should all always remember, and that is to completely rely on our Heavenly Father. Her advice is always founded upon faith. Faith that he loves us. Faith that he hears us. Faith that he knows what we want. Faith that he knows what we need. Faith that he is with us, and always will be. Faith in knowing that life is exactly as it should be.

Marcella always remembers this, and I am grateful for that. Thank goodness she is the older sister. If I was, I would have influenced a psychotic dramatic girl with a severe oreo addiction.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pray for my house, for we have a MOUSE!

This is one of the most traumatizing experiences I have ever had.

The critter was first spotted about 3 months ago. We immediately took action and had traps set up in all corners of the kitchen. We lived in fear of forgetting they were there and having them go off, clamping down on our toes. I looked for a trapped mouse every morning, but never saw one. We all assumed that the mouse had left our house..... wishful thinking.

Last week my roommate woke up to something scurrying under her bed. She laid there in denial thinking it was her imagination when she saw THE MOUSE run like lightening from under her bed. Atrocious. We were all on the look out after this, but still could not catch it.

Yesterday my other roommate Brooke was laying on the lovesac reading, when she heard scurrying in the trash can. She tried so hard to pretend it was something else. Amongst her pretending, reality struck when the mouse LEAPED out of the trash can onto the lovesac to join her in a snuggle! She screamed so loud and would not stop, that I thought someone was breaking in. I ran up stairs to find her standing on the fire place ledge crying. All she could whisper in her distress was "the mouse is under the lovesac".

This just goes to show how ridiculous girls are. I immediately started crying too. I cried because the mouse makes me noxious and because I felt so bad for her that she saw it leap out of the trash can! She said the mouse ran under the lovesac and believed it was still there. So we cried for 20 minutes till we could muster enough courage to move the lovesac in hopes that the mouse would escape and run outside towards the open door. No luck. He had already disappeared. Before moving the sac we called our guy friends who live  around the corner. They only laughed at our pain, and told us to go eat burgers to take our minds off the matter. Not even burgers could cure this pain. Not even burgers.

So needless to say the mouse is in the house. We are having exterminators come. They informed us that if we see him in daylight that means there is definately more than just one. We are all on edge. The mouse has become a person, like a bad man who won't leave us alone. We are haunted by fear, fear of seeing the mouse. I took out the trash today, it took everything I had to not cry doing so.

As I type, my roommate just rung the alarm that she hears something. Now everyone is afraid to go to sleep.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Love.... Love.

My to die for v-day kiss
I love Valentine's Day. I really do. My love for this day started back in my Freshman year of college. My roommates and I would never go to school on Valentine's day, but rather spend the day in our pajamas visiting every local bakery. In addition to visiting bakeries, we would decorate our windows with black broken hearts and huge signs that read "STAY SINGLE".  Why we were so bitter at such a young age, I have no idea. I also have no idea why we continued to decorate our windows with these signs for multiple Valentine's days. We finally stopped when we realized that if we ever wanted our V-day bakery marathons to be sponsored by men, we would have to take down the broken hearts.

Although I no longer live with any of these original roommates, I kept the tradition alive. I ditched school and instead of visiting the bakeries, I worked the bakery. Did you know Valentine's is the busiest day of the year for bakeries? I saw millions of boys come in and get cookies for their girls, I congratulated each and every one of them for being smart enough to buy cookies versus flowers and assured them their girls will love them forever. The day was then topped off by throwing a Valentine's Day party with my roommates. The best part of the party was the youtube play list that projected onto our wall. We found every cheesy love song from the 90's. I'm talking about Janet Jackson, S club 7, KC & Jo Jo, Boyz II Men and just every treassure you can remember. I loved it.

Just when I thought things couldn't get better than the youtube playlist, I get this text: "Natalie, I will always be your Valentine, love Dad". Okay, so maybe it would be cooler if there was another name there instead of Dad, but that man's always been the best Valentine I could ask for. Love you dad.

Hope you all loved love today.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It happened

This girl has had some big stuff going on lately... like grown-up stuff, real grown-up stuff. I have probably told you all this already, but I quit my job at the bakery. That's right, I quit my one true love. I know it might sound silly to some, but I loved everything about that job. What could be better than making sugar filled delights and then selling them to people who need some pep in their step? The owner (my boss) also became my best friend/aunt which made it real sad to leave. I cried and still do. They say all things happen for a reason, and I think there's a reason I worked there for so long. On the bright side though, now that I am not popping cookies right and left at work, maybe my risk for type 2 diabetes will go down. Really though, it was getting to be a problem.

The new job is with a Non-profit company called Centro Hispano. I will be guiding teens through a health promotion program to teach them how to lead healthier, and better lives. I am looking forward to it, and mostly am looking forward to using that degree.

Now on to more important matters. I'm finally turning semi-domestic. The past few years I have seen all my friends get into cooking, sewing, crafting, pintrest etc. I never realized my lack of interest in these areas until I was at my sisters house last year. She invited me to a craft night with some of our friends. While they were caught up in the 'crafting' I snuck up stairs to take a nap. She quickly came in, turned on the light and said " I knew you would do this". It was then I realized that I was the odd one out.

In the past month though ( on my own free will ), I have : spray painted furniture, decorated my room, COOKED TWICE, and picked out a few crafts to do. Weird I know, but it just happened. The point of this is, I want to be  re-invited into your crafting circles. I'm into it now, into grown up things.

I actually don't have pintrest..... one step at a time.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I got Nostalgic

I think I get more and more emotional every day, and recently find myself getting over involved in others emotions and crying for them. This happened the other day at work when a family stopped in to buy some cookies before dropping their daughter off at BYU for her first year. As soon as I found out it was her first year of college, I looked up and instantly had to fight back tears...... what?!? I felt so awkward that I made up some excuse to go away for a little while then came back. I talked to her some more, wished her luck and then later that night sat and wondered why in the world I got so emotional for someone I don't even know.

I figured it out, I got so emotional because that girl has no idea what lies ahead of her. She has no idea how much fun she is going to have, she doesn't know just how AMAZING the people she will meet are, she doesn't know how the path she thinks she is going to take will change at least 3 times, she doesn't know her own potential , she doesn't know how hard it will be, she doesn't know how much she is about to learn about herself, she doesn't know how the friends she will meet in the next week will probably be with her for the next 4 years and be lifetime friends. I got so emotional because that girl has no idea how she doesn't need to be afraid at all, but rather just prepared for an unpredictable adventure.

I know I just got way deep about a story involving selling cookies to a teenager, but it made me think about how there really is no need to fear what comes next. I think this is something that we must remember at every age of life, not just in the 20's where it seems like you are slammed with life altering decisions everyday. The girl in the cookie store made me remember just how worried I was about going to college and remember how worried I am now about trying to be a g&%#$ u* (grown up, it's a bad word in my book). Worry is no good, no good at all. I recently read a quote by Elder Holland that said "the commandment we all break the most is that of be of good cheer". Worrying is not in the 'cheer' category. If we all remember the times we worried the most, we will remember that even though that time may have sucked, or not turned out like we wanted it was exactly what we needed. There is no need to fear, just go on and be excited about having no idea what lies ahead. Life would be no fun if we knew exactly how it was going to be anyways.

Friday, July 8, 2011

24 !

  I did it, I turned 24 ! I have to say it was one of the best birthdays I have had in a long time! The day started with my dad, mom, and I going to breakfast! My dad and I have the same birthday, so we always do something together every birthday morning. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, I came home from work to find my roomates and friends waiting at my house in their pajamas.... They were waiting in their pajamas because for the longest time I have wanted to go to a hick town and eat at a 'hick' like diner in my pajamas. The girls made my dream come true! We all piled in the car and drove to Brigham City where we dined on fine things such as fries and fried chicken at a hick drive in. I couldn't have been happier. We listened to flash back songs from high school  by classic artists such as Ace of Base, Samantha Mumba, and Backstreet Boys. We even prank called. My 24th year didn't start off in a mature manner, but I guess it is good to be young at heart... right?

The fam then got together for Sunday dinner to celebrate the June birthdays. They made my other dream came true, and all agreed to playing the Michael Jackson Experience dance game on the Wii. If you haven't played it, come over. Everyone likes that game. Thank you everyone for making the day so great. I realized on that day once again how I am beyond blessed with amazing friends and family!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I. Am. Graduating.

Confession. I am awake right now (1:30 in the morning) listening to the Vitamin C graduation song, feeling unexpectedly really sad about graduating tomorrow. The past two years I have been working towards a Masters in Public Health, and tomorrow I get it! The day has finally come, and I don't know  if I want it to now! I have absolutely loved the past two years. Really.
My former teacher from UVU, Mary, asked me a couple months ago to come visit her class and share why I decided to go on to grad school. As I started preparing what I was going to share, I found myself wondering just why DID I sign up for two more years of stress and debt. Now that I am done I know exactly why I chose to go, and why I would choose to do it again.
1. Well, obvious reasons such as being surrounded by professors and students who are so So SO bright and being able to learn from their experience and learning of the endless opportunities public health has to offer
2. Not so obvious....
   - Food. Free food is everywhere at school. I could find a pizza party at least once a week.
   - Introduced to new Youtube favorites. Stressful times = procrastination= watch Youtube. I discovered   the Beyonce Clown Mask video, and the worlds largest zit video. Classics.
  - Humility. I had one of my most embarassing moments when in a cancer epidemiology class, I said " what are the recovery rates for women suffering from prostate cancer?" I left the whole class speechless. For a good two minutes.
  - More Humility.... In realizing that when the teacher offered candy to students who answered questions, I  was 99 times more likely to participate. I am ashamed that food is my motivating force.
 - Money. Through participating in health research studies (such as cold sore studies, vein flow studies, back pain studies) you get paid! A lot!
3. Friends. Can I just say that I had the best classmates ever? They read this blog, usually as a source of procrastination from studying, so hopefully they are still reading this part. I become insta friends with three girls on day one of class. They are probably the reason why I cry when I listen to Vitamin C, and the cheesy lines start about how Vitamin C is sad to leave her friends. I feel ya Vitamin C. I really do.

On a more serious note, I really am grateful for the opportunity to keep going to school. Education is a gift, one of the best gifts.

Oh, and I bet you are all wondering what I am going to do now. That's a good question I wish I had the answer to but I can tell you what I want to do in the public health world! I want to create health programs for the community that will improve exercise and nutrition. Next dream job for the moment is joining the public health political effort to fight childhood obesity.

I will be sure to let you know if I land one of these anytime soon.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Strange Stress

Humans are just plain strange sometimes, but especially when they are stressed. What goes on inside the body that makes us have such strange reactions to stress? I would love to know this right now. I am trying to wrap up my FINAL MONTH of school right now, and am experiencing some mega stress. I never can tell I'm stressed till my body starts telling me. It tells me through sleepless nights, excessive beautiful red dots on my face (I seriously look like a 'connect the dots' board game), and a new found ability to cry over anything. I don't know what's going on. I cried when my 3 year old niece called to tell me she wanted a cup cake, and when a really nice customer left after we only talked for 5 minutes.Do any of you cry more when stressed? I hope so.

Aside from all that, I decided I love Finals week. I love seeing everyone stressed out of their minds. I love seeing the way people procrastinate studying. All of sudden everyone HAS to deep clean their whole house, color coordinate their closet, alphabetize their itunes, reminisce 90's music videos on Youtube, or blog. I also love how the library increases in 'funness' by like 60% cause everyone is there trying to redeem themselves from slacking all semester. And I am procrastinating by enrolling in a cake decorating class rather than studying. I thought it would help me deal with stress, as implied by this homegirl.....

BUT...This is my last time taking Finals. Assuming I pass of course. I decided I'm going to embrace the zit face, sleepless nights, and tears and just have fun. I am actually looking forward to it. I have no clue how I will get it all done..... but you know..... Whatev.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Dr. Phil... or should I say Dr. Philcella

Marcella (Philcella) is my older sister by 2 years. I  have looked up to her for as long as I can remember, and when I was younger I would do anything she told me to do. For example, when we were in middle school Marcella wanted to put highlights in her hair using Sun In spray. She was worried it would look bad, so she decided to test it out on me first. She fooled me into thinking it would look good, and I ended up with orange streaks/chunks in my hair. I looked like a tiger, and needless to say she kept her hair brown. I did anything she told me to do. Since then, I have developed a mind of my own and do not get deceived by her nearly as often. I now get deceived by her kids who have picked up on her ways.

As we have gotten older she no longer tells me what to do, and I am constantly asking her what I should do. I am the dramatic one who blows life out of proportion and makes a big deal about everything. She is the calm, steady one who knows how to handle life. I talk to Philcella on the phone every day, and am so grateful for the advice she gives. I often wish she would blow things out of proportion and be dramatic with me over a big bag of oreos, but she never does. She always just tells me exactly what I need to hear, and reminds me of what's important.

Today Philcella reminded me of something I think we should all always remember, and that is to completely rely on our Heavenly Father. Her advice is always founded upon faith. Faith that he loves us. Faith that he hears us. Faith that he knows what we want. Faith that he knows what we need. Faith that he is with us, and always will be. Faith in knowing that life is exactly as it should be.

Marcella always remembers this, and I am grateful for that. Thank goodness she is the older sister. If I was, I would have influenced a psychotic dramatic girl with a severe oreo addiction.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pray for my house, for we have a MOUSE!

This is one of the most traumatizing experiences I have ever had.

The critter was first spotted about 3 months ago. We immediately took action and had traps set up in all corners of the kitchen. We lived in fear of forgetting they were there and having them go off, clamping down on our toes. I looked for a trapped mouse every morning, but never saw one. We all assumed that the mouse had left our house..... wishful thinking.

Last week my roommate woke up to something scurrying under her bed. She laid there in denial thinking it was her imagination when she saw THE MOUSE run like lightening from under her bed. Atrocious. We were all on the look out after this, but still could not catch it.

Yesterday my other roommate Brooke was laying on the lovesac reading, when she heard scurrying in the trash can. She tried so hard to pretend it was something else. Amongst her pretending, reality struck when the mouse LEAPED out of the trash can onto the lovesac to join her in a snuggle! She screamed so loud and would not stop, that I thought someone was breaking in. I ran up stairs to find her standing on the fire place ledge crying. All she could whisper in her distress was "the mouse is under the lovesac".

This just goes to show how ridiculous girls are. I immediately started crying too. I cried because the mouse makes me noxious and because I felt so bad for her that she saw it leap out of the trash can! She said the mouse ran under the lovesac and believed it was still there. So we cried for 20 minutes till we could muster enough courage to move the lovesac in hopes that the mouse would escape and run outside towards the open door. No luck. He had already disappeared. Before moving the sac we called our guy friends who live  around the corner. They only laughed at our pain, and told us to go eat burgers to take our minds off the matter. Not even burgers could cure this pain. Not even burgers.

So needless to say the mouse is in the house. We are having exterminators come. They informed us that if we see him in daylight that means there is definately more than just one. We are all on edge. The mouse has become a person, like a bad man who won't leave us alone. We are haunted by fear, fear of seeing the mouse. I took out the trash today, it took everything I had to not cry doing so.

As I type, my roommate just rung the alarm that she hears something. Now everyone is afraid to go to sleep.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Love.... Love.

My to die for v-day kiss
I love Valentine's Day. I really do. My love for this day started back in my Freshman year of college. My roommates and I would never go to school on Valentine's day, but rather spend the day in our pajamas visiting every local bakery. In addition to visiting bakeries, we would decorate our windows with black broken hearts and huge signs that read "STAY SINGLE".  Why we were so bitter at such a young age, I have no idea. I also have no idea why we continued to decorate our windows with these signs for multiple Valentine's days. We finally stopped when we realized that if we ever wanted our V-day bakery marathons to be sponsored by men, we would have to take down the broken hearts.

Although I no longer live with any of these original roommates, I kept the tradition alive. I ditched school and instead of visiting the bakeries, I worked the bakery. Did you know Valentine's is the busiest day of the year for bakeries? I saw millions of boys come in and get cookies for their girls, I congratulated each and every one of them for being smart enough to buy cookies versus flowers and assured them their girls will love them forever. The day was then topped off by throwing a Valentine's Day party with my roommates. The best part of the party was the youtube play list that projected onto our wall. We found every cheesy love song from the 90's. I'm talking about Janet Jackson, S club 7, KC & Jo Jo, Boyz II Men and just every treassure you can remember. I loved it.

Just when I thought things couldn't get better than the youtube playlist, I get this text: "Natalie, I will always be your Valentine, love Dad". Okay, so maybe it would be cooler if there was another name there instead of Dad, but that man's always been the best Valentine I could ask for. Love you dad.

Hope you all loved love today.

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